Our Mission

Our Mission is God's Mission. Jesus said in Luke 19:10 that his mission is "to seek and to save that which was lost." This is our mission - to take the message of Jesus Christ to all the world.

Our church is functioning as Jesus wants it to function when we are helping people begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. The most important decision a person can make is regarding eternity. It is our prayer that you will believe on Jesus Christ and receive Him as your personal Savior. After beginning a relationship with God, Harvest is a place for you to connect with other believers. We all want people who can “do life” with us. There is no greater place to build life-long friendships than in the church. All of us will need encouragement along our spiritual journey; and a church family can provide that encouragement. Connect


After connecting with God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, you must anchor your life to God’s Word. A person must become grounded and rooted in their faith in order to be established in a world that is constantly changing. Whether it is in one of Pastor’s Bible messages, a lesson in Connection Groups, or a devotional around a camp fire, the teaching of the Word of God is essential to our growth. Our goal is to equip you to be able to read and study the Word for yourself—not depending on a Pastor or a teacher—so that God can speak to your heart and grow your faith. Grow


As we become true followers of Jesus, we take His purpose and make it our purpose. Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). It is God’s plan for His church to reach out to a lost world with His message of hope and salvation—whether to a neighbor across the street or to a person on another continent. True followers of Jesus engage in serving those inside the walls of the church and to those outside the walls of the church. Serve

Welcome to Harvest Baptist

Located just a few minutes west from downtown Owensboro, we are closely connected to our entire community!

4430 Old Calhoun Road
Owensboro, KY

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Statement of Faith


The Bible is a God-breathed Book (II Timothy 3:16II Peter 1:20-21) given to man to reveal His person, His work, and His will. It is the inerrant, infallible Word of God. God not only inspired the Bible, but also preserved it through the ages, so that we may have confidence that the Authorized Version (King James Version) is His inspired Word for the English speaking world (Psalm 12:6-7Isaiah 40:8Matthew 24:35I Peter 1:23).


We believe there is one God, existent in three persons—Father, Son, Holy Spirit. These three are one, yet distinct in person. God has many attributes. He is eternal (Genesis 1:1Psalm 90:2), immutable (Malachi 3:6), omnipotent (Revelation 19:6), omniscient (Isaiah 40:28I John 3:20), omnipresent (Psalm 139:7).

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was God-incarnate (Philippians 2:5-8), conceived by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:20), and virgin born (Isaiah 7:14). Though He was robed in human flesh, He lived a sinless life (II Corinthians 5:21Hebrews 4:15I Peter 2:22). The sole purpose of His coming to earth was to seek and to save those that were lost (Luke 19:10Matthew 20:28Mark 10:45I Timothy 2:6) by His substitutionary death on the cross for man’s sin. His blood was the payment God required for sin (Romans 6:235:8Hebrews 9:22I Peter 2:24) The justification of the believer is made sure by the literal, bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (Romans 4:24-25). He is now at the right hand of the Father (I Peter 3:21-22) making intersession for us (Hebrews 7:25). He is not one of many ways to Heaven; He is the only way (John 14:6Acts 4:12).


We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). Adam’s sin plunged the entire human race into sin nature (Psalm 51:5Romans 5:12). Every person born, with the exception of Jesus Christ, was born as a sinner (Romans 3:1023). Not only is man a sinner by nature, but he is a sinner by choice. Because of his sin, man is separated from God. Man is lost (Luke 19:10). Man is perishing (John 3:16). Man is spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1). Man has no hope (Ephesians 2:12). Man is under God’s wrath, condemned already (John 3:1836). Because of man’s sin, he is sentenced to spend eternity in a real, literal burning fire—hell (Matthew 22:13Revelation 20:14).


We believe that salvation is the gift of God (Romans 6:23Ephesians 2:8). Sinful man becomes reconciled to a holy God only by putting faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (John 3:36I Corinthians 15:1-4Romans 1:16). It took the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ to make salvation possible (Romans 5:15-21). The blood of Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins (I John 2:1-2). Therefore, salvation is not based upon man’s action or man’s work (Ephesians 2:8-9); it is based upon Jesus’ work. Salvation is not by baptism, reformation, church attendance, living a good life, or any other work. All of man’s good works are as filthy rags in God’s eyes (Isaiah 64:6). It is salvation, by grace, plus nothing minus nothing (Romans 10:9) Salvation is regeneration—a new birth (John 3:3). Salvation brings justification—declared not guilty, as if man were never a sinner (Romans 5:1). Salvation brings imputation—the righteousness of Jesus Christ is placed into man’s account (Romans 4:245:17-21). Salvation brings eternal life (John 3:163:3610:27-30Romans 8:35-39). Eternal life is a present possession for the child of God. It is not something that he will receive when he dies, but it is something he possesses now. Those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior will spend eternity with the Lord in a real, literal place—Heaven (Matthew 25:2123John 3:36I Thessalonians 4:17).

The Church

We believe that the church is a group of baptized believers who have voluntarily joined themselves together to carry out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We believe that Jesus Christ is the founder of the church (Matthew 16:18) and that the church was empowered at Pentecost (Acts 2). God works in and through a local church. We believe that a church should be independent from all denominational ties, free from all external authority or control (Acts 13:1-420:28), autonomous (self-governing) and indigenous (self-supporting). We believe that, as a “called out” assembly, the church should avoid becoming worldly (contemporary) in methods and means. God commands that every Christian be a part of a local church (Hebrews 10:25).

End Times

We believe in the imminent, personal, and bodily return of Jesus Christ (John 14:1-4Acts 1:9-11). In this rapture, Jesus Christ will, as a thief in the night (I Thessalonians 5:2), receive all believers to Himself (I Thessalonians 4:13-18). We believe in the pre-tribulational return of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ will rapture the church before the seven-year tribulation. After the rapture has taken place, the seven-year tribulation will begin (Revelation 4-20). When the tribulation period concludes, Jesus Christ will come back to earth, with His saints, to rule and to reign for one thousand years (Revelation 20:1-10). After the millennial reign of Christ, all those who never trusted Christ as Savior will have to stand before the Great White Throne for judgment. These will be cast into the lake of fire to be tormented for eternity (Revelation 20:11-15).